
CSOP Participant Profile – Hyun Hee Kim

by  //  Wednesday, April 12, 2017 @ 8:10 AM  //  News, Profiles

By Beth Downey Sawatzky On Fear, Perspective and Peace Hyun Hee Kim, age 32, is a student at Canadian Mennonite University, completing pre-Master's requirements in Peace and Conflict Transformation Studies (PACTS). What you would never guess after an ordinary conversation with her, is that this is in itself is a miracle. Kim was born in […]

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CSOP Participant Profile – David Stoesz

by  //  Tuesday, March 28, 2017 @ 6:47 AM  //  News, Profiles

By Aaron Epp ‘The take back has been tangible’ Time spent at the CSOP well worth it for school principal It’s difficult for teachers to get time off during the school year – they get most of July and August off, after all – but David Stoesz managed to do it so that he could […]

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CSOP Participant Profile – Alain Tshinza

by  //  Wednesday, March 15, 2017 @ 9:24 AM  //  News, Profiles

By Aaron Epp Hip-hop artist, youth worker sharpens his skills at the CSOP Hip-hop musician, graphic designer, filmmaker, youth worker – Alain Tshinza is involved in a lot of different things. It’s these endeavours that brought him to the 2016 Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP). “Part of the reason I decided to take a class […]

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CSOP Participant Profile – Erin Yantzi

by  //  Tuesday, February 21, 2017 @ 8:19 AM  //  News, Profiles

By Beth Downey Sawatzky Lessons in Responsibility Sometimes, when you discover a good thing, one taste is just not enough. For Erin Yantzi, a third-year student at the University of Waterloo, transferable degree credit from a CSOP intensive was just too good not to come back for seconds. The double Anthropology and Peace Studies major […]

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CSOP Participant Profile – Marian De Couto

by  //  Thursday, February 9, 2017 @ 7:34 AM  //  News, Profiles

By Beth Downey Sawatzky On Staying Strong Marian De Couto, a Toronto native, lived for several years’ time in the city's chapter of L'Arche—a mixed community of people with various disabilities, as well as people generally considered “able”—exploring what she calls “applied solidarity.” This was the same interest that ultimately drew her to Christian Peacemaker […]

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CSOP Participant Profile – Bob Aloneissi

by  //  Wednesday, January 25, 2017 @ 6:54 AM  //  News, Profiles

By Aaron Epp CSOP an eye-opening experience for veteran Alberta lawyer Bob Aloneissi sees conflict in a whole new light after attending the 2016 Canadian School of Peacebuilding. “I was the kind of person who didn’t like conflict – I thought it meant court litigation,” he says. Now, Aloneissi doesn’t think conflict is so bad. […]

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CSOP Participant Profile – Lee Kosa

by  //  Wednesday, January 18, 2017 @ 8:16 PM  //  News, Profiles

By Aaron Epp CSOP embodies ‘dialogue-based posture’ the church needs to take, B.C. pastor says When pastor Lee Kosa was renegotiating his contract with his church’s board last year, he didn’t want more money. What he asked for instead was more time off and the opportunity to travel to Winnipeg to study at the 2016 […]

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Peacebuilders’ Banquet – Dessa Quesada-Palm

by  //  Wednesday, January 11, 2017 @ 9:55 AM  //  Media, Video

Each week at the CSOP, we host a lunch banquet of great local food and storytelling by one of the week's instructors.  This is a time to gather as a community of peacebuilders, to celebrate with great food and to be inspired by the stories of peacebuilders from around the world. Take a few minutes […]

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CSOP Participant Profile – Zahid Rohman

by  //  Wednesday, January 4, 2017 @ 7:15 AM  //  News, Profiles

By Beth Downey Sawatzky God has no flag At a time when the fears and antipathies defining global politics revolve so closely around religious violence and conflict, peacebuilding that strives to unite religious groups is more relevant than ever. This year, one CSOP student in particular distinctively embodied such bridge-building passion: Zahid Rohman is a […]

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